
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dental Implants in Temecula: 4 Ways to Prepare for Your Procedure

According to statistics from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, roughly 69 percent of Americans age 35 to 44 have lost at least one tooth. Fortunately, people who have lost a tooth or two can easily take advantage of dental implants. Not only do they look, feel, and function just like natural teeth, dental implants also boast an amazing 98.4 percent success rate!

If you will be getting dental implants in Temecula in the near future, you may want to prepare yourself for the procedure as best as you can to ensure all goes well. Aside from the dental examinations performed by a respected dentist such as Dr. K. Pat Brown, you will also want to prepare yourself by doing the following: Read more from this blog.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Dentist Shows What’s Happening in Your Mouth when You Have a Cavity

People are often preoccupied with a lot of things that they are willing to forego dental checkups. That is, until they suffer from toothaches caused by cavities.

You’ve probably heard a great deal about cavities, but do you really know what’s going on under the surface? A cavity can form in a short period of time, and regular visits to your dentist is crucial to prevent worse dental issues. The sooner you catch a cavity, the easier it is to fix.

What Is a Cavity?

Simply put, a cavity is a rotten spot on a tooth formed by bacteria. A cavity doesn’t happen overnight, but the main cause of a cavity is from poor dental habits, such as not brushing properly.

There’s a reason why dentists keep on reminding everyone to brush their teeth regularly. Regular brushing removes food debris, such as acid and sugar, sitting on the surface of the tooth. Otherwise, the bacteria will stay on your tooth and gradually eat away the enamel. Read more from this blog.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Seeking Periodontal Treatment? Periodontists Offer These Top Methods

Here’s a compelling reason for you to take periodontal diseases more seriously: this condition often causes the gums to recede and bone to degenerate. It’s not a condition you want to leave untreated, as it can be the root of painful ailments and even tooth loss.

It’s never too late to see a periodontist and curb the development of periodontal disease. With these periodontal treatment options, you can ensure that your gums will remain healthy in the long run.

Scaling and Root Planing

As a non-surgical treatment, scaling and root planing cleans plaque and tartar from the root surfaces. The periodontist cleans within deep periodontal pockets and smooths the tooth root. Bacterial toxins are removed during this process. Read more on this article.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Have a Healthy, Attractive Smile with Help from Your Cosmetic Dentist

In addition to routine dental care that includes examinations and cleaning, there are several options for improving the way your teeth look. These include teeth straightening, dental bonding, implants, and whitening services, among others. A Temecula cosmetic dentist can offer you a consultation on options that work well for you and your budget.

Why Seek a Family Dentist for Cosmetic Services?

Many people don’t realize that their family dentist can be their best option for receiving cosmetic services. The reason for this is that a family dentist understands the patient’s needs and circumstances and can best customize a treatment plan that not only ensures the best cosmetic results, but that also promotes the patient’s overall oral health. Read more from this blog.